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The fundamentals Definitions  of web development in HTML

Have you ever wondered how the websites, that you visit daily are created? If so.... you have clicked on the right tab. Websites are composed of various coding and scripting languages. Such as HTML, Ruby, Python, Java or it's successor Javascript. 

However, every website's foundation is, build upon HTML coding.  The code itself is written using, various tags which are enclosed; in brackets for example :

HTML  stands for a hypertext markup language. Essentially it is called a markup language because, the code that is written is, done so in a document format. Meaning that the code executes from a top-down level

Once we have gained an understanding of how the various aspects of HTML; function as a whole to produce web pages,  We will then move; to the more advanced concepts of web development.   Such as how to utilize java to add popups, and games and to take and receive user input, from our website. Let's begin


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